Rapeed by uncel

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Hi im Marian male 15. My uncel is 45. It was tow weeks ago when i write this. My Uncel my sis and me went for a week in the mountains for camping. The second day was the wather not good so we were in the hous. My uncel came to me and my sis in the room and asked us if we know what is sex. We said yes and after that my uncel smiled and said he called a friend and want to fuck us. We didn’t know what we said and said we want home but our uncel closed the door and said we have to stay here. After a while his friend came to the house and said he want to fuck us. We said we want not do that. But they hit us and took us our clothes off. My uncel fucked my first in the ass it hurts very. My sis where fucked by his friend and she screemed very loud. After a while my uncel cam in my ass and went to my sis and his friend started to fuck me. After a few hours they were thired and me and my sis can clean us. The next day we went in the woods and had to fuck them their. This went 3 more days likt that when we drovehome they fucked us also one time in car and said to us when we say something to anyone they hurts us.
I hope you enjoyed the story i kone my spelling isn’t very good but i hope you liked it. It is a real story